Its soon to be a new year and we’re inviting passionate individuals to apply to join the Tarab NYC 2025 Board! If you’re dedicated to building community, fostering relationships, fundraising, managing operations, creating meaningful programs, and supporting our mission to create an inclusive and safe space for Queer MENA people, we’d love for you to join us.
As a board member, you’ll be expected to attend monthly virtual meetings (1 hour), participate in quarterly full-day in-person retreats, and support the mission through a focus area or project of your choice.
If you’re interested, simply Email Us by December 20th January 31st and answer the question: Why do you want to join the Tarab NYC board? Please keep your response under 200 words. You can optionally include additional materials like your resume, social media, or website, if relevant.
Note: Board positions are unpaid volunteer roles. We encourage all individuals to apply, with a particular emphasis on women, trans*, and GNC individuals, as well as people from diverse non-Arab backgrounds, including Berbers, Assyrians, Persians, Kurds, and more.
We can’t wait to hear from you and grow the Tarab NYC family together!