Tarab NYC at Creating Change

We are presenting at Creating Change, the nation's largest conference on LGBTQ issues. This year, the conference will be held in Dallas, TX where we will be hosting the Queer MENA Caucus and will be presenting our workshop:  Challenging Orientalism From a Queer Human Rights Perspective. If you happen to be attending - please email us!

Challenging Orientalism From a Queer Human Rights Perspective
Track: Equity & Justice 
Format: Workshop, 90 minutes
Description: Recent events -- the election of Donald Trump, "Muslim Bans", attacks on “The Squad”, the ongoing wars in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and the resulting refugee crises -- prompt us to consider how Western biases and perceptions of the MENA region affect conflict and shape foreign policy. Queer activists must pay close attention to the heteronormative, patriarchal language and imagery used by the West to frame its “Other”. Imperialism, racism, exotification and eroticization affect all interactions with MENA people. Join us as we explore these issues from a queer and human rights perspective.

Queer Middle Eastern and North African Caucus
Track: Community & Identity 
Format: Caucus, 60 Minutes
Description: Queer Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) people are organizing and mobilizing across the nation. Join fellow MENA queers as we share stories and learn from each other’s experiences as well as share ideas for building a strong national (and international) movement of MENA Queers. If you are Queer and Arab, Kurdish, Iranian, Mizrahim, Sephardim, Turkish, Assyrian, Berber, Middle Eastern and/or North African, we invite you to join us for this very important conversation.

January 15th, 2020 12:00 PM to January 19th, 2020 12:00 PM